Our Mission

So glad you asked! Here is our story: Founded by two stay-at-home moms, Sign Dreamers is the first yard greeting company with a global purpose. Sign Dreamers provides gorgeous custom yard greetings and yard signs for any occasion or event. And, we make it easy for you to start your own yard greeting business.
How did Sign Dreamers Get Started?
Sign Dreamers began with a sincere desire to live purpose-filled lives and start a business that helps the world. And, we wanted to do it without sacrificing our families and provide others a chance to do the same.We support a great cause!
Providing education to the hearing impaired in remote areas of the worldJamaica Christian School for the Deaf
Not disabled, just differently-abledTo be the premier educational institution for the Deaf in Jamaica providing first class values-based education and training built on a spiritual foundation that will motivate towards self-actualization and service to society.
JCSD is a residential school. Most students live on campus four nights and five days a week, returning to their families on the weekends, for holidays and during the summer.
There are some students that return home only when the school is closed during holidays and the summer. The majority of public schools in Jamaica do not offer special classes or assistance to deaf children or children with other special needs. Many Jamaican deaf children are born into families that do not have the financial resources to provide their child with a private education or teach them a trade. These social and economic problems lead to a cultural climate in which deaf people are often overlooked and/or treated as outcasts.
Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf (JCSD) actively seeks out deaf children and works with their families to make it possible for them to receive an education in a safe and positive Christian environment. Our desire is to see each student reach his or her full potential.
The main mode of communication is sign language. The National Curriculum of the Ministry of Education is used and adapted to suit our students. Our students are exposed to the National Government examinations.
Spirituality plays an integral role in the life of the students and they are exposed to the WORD from the kindergarten stage in the classroom and also in their dorm life. Students also start computer classes at the primary level. Our students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. Our clubs include: Dance, Drama, Choir, Aktion and Wellness. Our students are also exposed to competitions such as National Spelling Bee, Dance, Communication Contests, Wellness, Hula Hoop, etc.